Taarifa ambazo Lenzi ya Michezo imezipata kutoka Afrika ya Kusini kwa HusseinOriginal ambaye yupo Pretoria, amesema Ngwear amefariki leo asubuhi kwenye gheto ambalo alikuwepo pia msanii M to The P ambaye yeye amelazwa hospitali akiwa mahtuti.
"Tulivyokwenda kuwagongea asubuhi tuliwakuta Ngwear amefariki na M To The P akiwa amepoteza Fahamu Kabisa"
Baada ya kuwapeleka hospitali Daktari alitibitisha amekufa na ameshatoa taarifa kwa watu wa Karibu wa Ngwear huko Afrika nya Kusini.
Ngwea akiwa na msanii M to the P walitakiwa kurudi Dar leo lakini waliwakuta wamezimia kwenye chumba wote wawili baada ya kuzidisha (overdose) madawa ya kulevya na M to the P.
Taarifa ya hospitali hii hapa "The Medical report from Helen Joseph hospital, Dr Shirley Radcliffe confirming that albert Mangwairdied from “alcohol toxicity” after drinking toomuch,Over-exhaustion and drugs overdose....The inquest heard that Albert 28, collapsed in the his friends home had been more thanfive-times the legal S.A drink-drive limit with 416mgof alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood in his system....Radcliffe described the reasons for ICU admission included hypoxia and one of his friend found “two empty vodka bottles[found] on the Car” and he had been suffering from the eating disorder Bulimia for several months before his death and endless partying session with little or no resting...sample taken from his stomach showed poly-drug cocktail and he overdosed Heroin,Cocaine 'crack' and cannabis 0.08gms was also found in his blood...and his death was caused by massive heart attack and respiratory failure followed by sudden Heart stop...and end up dead within seconds!"
Taarifa ya hospitali hii hapa "The Medical report from Helen Joseph hospital, Dr Shirley Radcliffe confirming that albert Mangwairdied from “alcohol toxicity” after drinking toomuch,Over-exhaustion and drugs overdose....The inquest heard that Albert 28, collapsed in the his friends home had been more thanfive-times the legal S.A drink-drive limit with 416mgof alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood in his system....Radcliffe described the reasons for ICU admission included hypoxia and one of his friend found “two empty vodka bottles[found] on the Car” and he had been suffering from the eating disorder Bulimia for several months before his death and endless partying session with little or no resting...sample taken from his stomach showed poly-drug cocktail and he overdosed Heroin,Cocaine 'crack' and cannabis 0.08gms was also found in his blood...and his death was caused by massive heart attack and respiratory failure followed by sudden Heart stop...and end up dead within seconds!"
Hata hivyo mama yake Ngwear ambaye yupo nyumbani kwao Morogoro amethibitisha kupokea taarifa ya kifo cha mwanae na kusema kuwa taarifa za kuwa za kuwa alikuwa Afika ya Kusini alikuwa hana kwani mara ya mwisho kuongea naye zimepita wiki mbili sasa.
Pia amesema taratibu za maandalizi ya mazishi yatakavyokuwa yataanza baada ya kufika baba yake mdogo Ngwear ambaye yupo mkoani Ruvuma kwani anatarajiwa kuwasili kesho Morogoro.
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