Kadinali Jorge Mario Bergoglio
wa Argentina amechaguliwa kuwa Papa mpya wa Kanisa Katoliki.
Bergoglio anakuwa mtu wa kwanza kutoka Amerika kusini kuchaguliwa kuwa
Papa.Mara tu baada ya kuchaguliwa alichagua jina la Papa Francis I.
Awali moshi mweupe ulishuhudiwa ukifuka kutoka bomba la kutolea moshi katika kanisa la Sistine Chapel na kufuatiwa na kengele kupigwa. Hii ilikuwa ni ishara kwa walimwengu kuwa makadinali ambao walianza mchakato wa kumchagua Papa mpya hatimae walikuwa wamefaulu katika kazi yao.
Kadinali Bergoglio anachukuwa mahali pa Papa Benedict XVI, ambaye alijiuzulu mwezi uliopita akisema hana nguvu na uwezo wa kuendelea kuliongoza Kanisa Katoliki.
Makadinali 115 wamekuwa faraghani tangu siku ya Jumanne alasiri na wakaanza mchakato wao kwa kupiga kura mara nne kwa siku.
Ilikuwa inahitajika kuwa angalau Makadinali 77 yaani theluthi-mbili wangeliweza kumpigia kura mmoja wao ili aweze kutangazwa kuwa Papa mpya.
Na kabla ya mchakato huo kuanza kulikuwa hakuna dalili za kuonyesha nani angelichaguliwa.
Muda mfupi kabla ya Kadinali Bergoglio kujitokeza , maelfu ya watu walionekana wakikimbia kuelekea ukumbi wa St Peters ili kuweza kumshuhudia Papa mpya akitangazwa .

The new Pope has been unveiled as Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, who will take the name Pope Francis.

Joker: He began his address to the crowd with a joke, saying that his brother cardinals had gathered to pick a bishop of Rome 'and they have chosen one from far away but here I am'

Alizaliwa Mjini Buenos Aires huko Argentina mwaka1936.
Papa Francis 1 ni mtu wa kwanza katika kipindi cha miaka elfu moja (1,000) kwa mtu kutoka nje ya bara la Ulaya kutawazwa kuwa papa wa Kanisa Katoliki.
Papa Francis 1 ni mwana wa Mtaliano aliyekuwa akifanya kazi katika shirika la gari Moshi kabla ya kuhamia nchini Argentina miaka ya zamani.
Kama kadinali wa Jimbo la Buenos Aires ,Kadinali Bergoglio amekuwa mkosoaji mkubwa wa serikali ya Argentina.
Hata hivyo Kadinali Bergoglio anapendwa sana na wafuasi wa kanisa hilo huko Argentina na hasa watu maskini.
adinali Jorge Bergoglio, mwenye umri wa mwaka 76, kwa karibu miaka yake yote kama Kasisi amehudumu nyumbani kwao Argentina.
Kadinali huyo wa Jimbo la Buenos Aires inasemekana aliibuka nambari mbili wakati Papa Benedict alipochaguliwa mwaka 2005Anaaminika kuwa na ujuzi mkubwa ambao wengi wanasema utamsaidia sana katika uongozi wake.

Katika maisha yake ya huduma kwa Kanisa
Katoliki huko Amerika Kusini ambapo Kanisa Katoliki lina waumini wengi zaidi
duniani, Kadinali Bergoglio ameibuka kuwa mtu anayependa sana udhabiti wa
kisiasa katika nchi zilizo katika bara la Amerika Kusini.
Bergoglio anasifiwa kwa kuleta mageuzi makubwa katika Kanisa la Argentina huku katika eneo hilo la Amerika Kusini Kanisa bado linashikilia itikadi za kale.
Pope Francis: The 76-year-old, who was born in Buenos Aires, will take the name Pope Francis
Bergoglio anasifiwa kwa kuleta mageuzi makubwa katika Kanisa la Argentina huku katika eneo hilo la Amerika Kusini Kanisa bado linashikilia itikadi za kale.

Pope Francis: The 76-year-old, who was born in Buenos Aires, will take the name Pope Francis

Decision made: White smokes billows from the chimney on the Sistine Chapel indicating that a new Pontiff has been elected by Cardinals

Getting ready: Swiss guards enter St Peter's Square
shortly before the new Pope's unveiling

Celebrations: Catholics react as white smoke rises from the chimney on the roof of the Sistine Chapel

Excitement: Crowds gathered beneath the chimney awaiting the symbolic smoke and applauded when white smoke finally emerged

So pleased: Crowds have waited in rain and cold temperatures before being sent into rapture by the decision

Disappointment: Black smoke emerged out of the chimney of the Sistine Chapel around 10.40am GMT to signify the cardinals were deadlocked

Take shelter: Thankfully, many of the pilgrims had brought umbrellas to stop themselves getting wet in the rain

Historic: The visitors in Rome were hoping to witness a moment which will doubtless go down in history

Undeterred: The size of the crowd did not seem to be negatively affected by the foul weather over Rome

Sightseeing: A group of nuns in the Vatican's main square looking towards the Sistine Chapel

Crowd: Thousands of the faithful have gathered in Rome to welcome the new Pope once he is elected

International: The Catholics gathered in Rome have assembled from around the world for the big occasion

Pilgrim: A man kneels in prayer in a rain-slicked St Peter's Square while cardinals gather in the chapel

Cardinals chanting the Latin hymn 'Veni Creator Spiritus' (Come Creator Spirit) in the Sistine Chapel before the start of the conclave

On their way: Cardinals Giovanni Lajolo and Tarcisio Bertone entering the Sistine Chapel to begin the conclave on Wednesday

Treading an uncertain path: Cardinals enter the Sistine Chapel to begin the conclave to elect a successor to Pope Benedict

Anticipation: Cardinals, in red, process through St Peter's Basilica during a mass before they enter the Sistine Chapel to elect the next pope

Putting on the thinking cap: A cardinal puts on his mitre hat during the Mass inside St. Peter's Basilica as a clear front runner has yet to emerge in the papal election

Differences: The cardinals listen to a final appeal for unity within the church from the dean of the College of Cardinals after a turbulent few weeks for the Vatican
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